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Volunteering Blooms,
Kindness Sows Seeds of Change,
Harvest Of Hearts’ Grace.

Volunteering offers vital support for worthwhile causes, and the community. The benefits of volunteering can be great. Volunteering provides an opportunity to learn and develop new skills. Whether it’s organizing events, teaching, or working with technology, volunteering exposes you to various experiences that can enhance your abilities.

Giving to others can have a profound impact on your mental and physical health. It reduces stress, combats depression, relieves boredom, keeps you mentally stimulated, and provides a sense of purpose. Simple acts of kindness improve overall well-being.

You will connect with others. Even small tasks can make a real difference in the lives of people, and organizations. It’s a two-way street—benefiting both you and the cause you choose to support. By dedicating your time as a volunteer, you can make new friends, expand your network, and boost your social and technical skills.

It allows you to gain practical experience, build a positive reputation, and network with others. Others often value volunteer work, recognizing the dedication it demonstrates. Volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take up a significant amount of time. Every small effort counts, and it’s a beautiful way to make a difference!

Volunteering is a sacred service. It supports the spiritual practice of service as a way of life. It is the place where we outwardly express who we inwardly are by sharing our gifts and talents. In doing so, we expand our potential, create a strong sense of community, and express our souls.

Get benefits volunteering: 
Enliven yourself and have fun.
Learn things—improve stuff.
Connect with like-minded people.
Broaden your perspective.
Develop a sense of belonging.
Give time and energy to a place you love.
Experience nurturing relationships.
Get involved YOUR way.

Service opportunities may be as varied as the people who participate. Whether you have only a little time to give, or a lot, we appreciate each and every one of our volunteers! Here are some specific ideas:

Prayer Team
Unity is a healing, affirmative prayer based ministry. training will be provided if you feel called to volunteer as a prayer partner.

Welcome Team
Each Sunday we have two people at our entrance to the sanctuary who welcome everyone to our service. Our Welcome Team also takes the collection during our Celebration Service. If you enjoy meeting new people, or just like to say hello and welcome, this is a great opportunity for you.

Hospitality Team
Being interested in our Hospitality team means you enjoy cooking, clean-up and laying out a spread for your friends and family. This team hosts a potluck on one Sunday a month after our Sunday service. Your efforts may involve setting a table, laying out food, or making coffee. Volunteers are also needed to move tables and chairs afterwards.

Technology Team
Learn how to run an audio sound board controlling speakers and microphones. Help operate the video controller during Sunday Services. Gain experience with Zoom and YouTube audio/video production. (We have an interesting duty called “snake wrangling”.) Service the website to include updating announcements about current classes and activities. Training is provided for all these items and others. 

More... much more. 

Selfless Hands Extend,
Lifting Burdens, Sharing Light,
Volunteer's Embrace.
